Tickets and Venue
Registrations for 2025 will open soon - stay tuned!
If you care about exploring these 2 main themes, then SoCraTes Crete offers the ideal setting !
Join us, for an Open Space event where we gather and exchange ideas, knowledge and experience, in an inspiring venue that allows us to explore Crete at its finest!
Registrations for 2025 will open soon - stay tuned!
SoCraTes Crete continues the legacy of AgileCrete
An... unconventional way to run a conference that - once you try - you can never go back!!
In 2023, a new SoCraTes Crete event is being born to bring us even closer
Our specific goal for SoCraTes Crete is to not only explore the software craft techniques, but to also help bridge
the gap between product/business folks and devs.
Anyone who cares about making well-crafted software, e.g.
* Software Developers
* Testers
* Technical Writers
* Product folks
* $your_role
One of the reasons the event is held in the summer is so that you can bring your significant other or family with you.
We are committed to providing
a 100% family-friendly experience: your loved ones are invited to all excursions / dinners, and you can expect that kids-friendly activities
will be self-organized in the mornings by other parents (whether on-site or some small excursions). ...and - amazingly - language is never a problem
for younger kids!!
SoCraTes Crete is the latest open space unconference to emerge on Crete.
It originally started as part of, which was, itself,
inspired by / forked from JCrete.
JCrete is very similar to SoCraTes Crete, but is focused primarily on the
Java ecosystem. Open space fans can easily combine the two sister events!
JCrete runs immediately after SoCraTes Crete! (You know, just in case you
want to spend a few extra days on Crete ;) ).
08:30 – 13:00 Morning sessions.
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch.
14:00 – 20:00 Excursions, swimming, focus time, exploring Crete!
20:00 CRETAN dinners (!!)
Follow us in our social media to keep up to date with our latest news. Join our Discord server to meet more participants of SoCraTes Crete!